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Click on this link to start your FREE download of Esko Studio 2.0. Esko is an online 3D CAD/CAM software that enables professionals and amateurs alike to design, visualize, and produce parts in various materials on their computer, tablet, or mobile device with minimal effort. More than just a digital product designer's dream tool, it also offers advanced technologies like more than 5 million profiles for different types of materials and accurate volume representation depending on the user's needs. Esko was developed by Esko Oy, a Finnish startup, in order to fill the gap between CAD/CAM software and the design of real objects. Esko's development was started in January 2010 after many years of research into development of software that would satisfy the needs of the designers. The first version of Esko Studio was released in February 2011. The main target group were entrepreneurs, designers, part manufacturers, and other business-oriented people who are using their computers for mainly designing products but also bill boards, patterns, and other similar things. Esko stands for "Eficient Scene Organizer" according to its founders who wanted it to be an "easy to use" product for professional users. At the time of its release, Esko was also available for iPad and Android tablets. The main idea is that users use the same software for producing products in many different materials. The software can be downloaded and used free of charge and provides a wide range of basic and advanced functionalities, such as: For professional users: For designers: For entrepreneurs: Esko Studio Keygen is an older version before the 2.0 release of Esko Studio available at (Registration required). Compared to the 2. 0 version, the Keygen version of Esko Studio lacks certain features and tools, namely:The 2.0 release of Esko Studio 2.0 is available online for free download at (Registration required). Compared to the Keygen version of Esko Studio, the 2.0 release has many more features and tools, such as:Toolbox contains a full set of tools to quickly change the scene in several different ways in order to make it easier for users to be able to visualize it in 3D. The toolbox contains two main areas: "Views" and "Modifiers". The toolbox can be accessed from the "Toolkit" or from any workspace window. In addition to being more advanced, the 2.0 version of Esko Studio also has a new user interface called "Computer Aided Design" (CAD) which is presented more as a desktop program instead of a mobile app. The CAD version of Esko Studio provides tools that help users visualize designs in 3D and has other features that make it easier for users to be able to produce parts in many different materials. Esko Studio 2.0 was first released on January 5, 2014 as Esko Studio 2.0 Final Draft without any additional packages or modules available at eskostudio. cfa1e77820